What inspires me about Picasso was his ability to let go of an idea he started with, even blocking out major parts of an almost-finishing painting, changing colors and shapes, starting afresh, time after time. He was in a constant state of experimentation, open to new ideas as they arose.

No matter what your profession, inspired creativity requires flexibility and improvisation. When we hold too tightly to a singular vision thinking “this is the way it has to be” or fall into the trap of perfectionism, we are in danger of rigor mortis, of producing stale, imitative, and lifeless work that does not contain a seed of vitality.

Once you have started a project, are you willing to throw all the chips in the air and see where they land, or like Picasso, even start over completely from scratch? How do you keep your creative flow alive, and what do you do when you run into a dry spell. How do you stay motivated when ideas aren’t coming and you feel blocked? What have you tried – working out at the gym, running around the block, cleaning the house, calling a friend, having a drink?

If these haven’t worked for you, maybe it’s time to call me. After my own career in the arts and a Masters Degree in Expressive Arts Therapy and Creativity Development, I established and led creativity groups for adults in Manhattan, and worked for 35 years as a therapist with people from all walks of life, including Wall Street professionals, lawyers, health care practitioners, as well as working musicians, dancers, painters and writers. A career-oriented city, Manhattan has high standards of excellence with fierce competition in every realm. It is an important proving ground for those who come here hoping for success. With my support, many of my clients have been able to achieve the success they desired.

If you want to break through creative blocks and increase your chances of success in your field, click here.